DataRobot AI Platform for Manufacturing AI in Manufacturing

How AI is Used in Manufacturing: Benefits and Use Cases The benefits are improved effectiveness, predictability, and efficiency of manufacturing operations and yields. Manufacturers are using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to provide high-quality services and products....

Easily build AI-based chatbots in Python

How to Create a AI Chatbot in Python with Kommunicate In the above snippet of code, we have defined a variable that is an instance of the class “ChatBot”. The first parameter, ‘name’, represents the name of the Python chatbot. Another parameter...

What is Artificial Intelligence AI & Why is it Important?

Whats the Difference Between AI, ML, Deep Learning, and Active Learning? Simple reward feedback — known as the reinforcement signal — is required for the agent to learn which action is best. Artificial intelligence software can use decision-making and automation...

Why AI In Animation Changes The Game

AI Animation Experts & Production Workflows Aside from issues with copyright infringements and art theft one growing area of concern is AI animation and just, well… how bad it can be. Design Iconic marketing campaigns together — without any design experience. “If...